About Me

You may reach me at e67d42e67d42

It took me a while to publish this blog. English is not my native language, and it all feels so weird.

I thought a lot about what I would write about. I guess the first people to pay a visit are my friends and colleagues, and they all kinda know me pretty well, so what’s the point?

But then it hit me — a recent project I was working on was actually kinda interesting, and it got me heated about the WP plugin I was using. So, I thought I’d share how I managed to replace it.

I’m going to talk about random things about my day life, maybe about what I was just cooking with a receipe, maybe about my latest project, maybe about how Liran Froind is nudging me all day long, but yeah, I’m fun, this entire blog project is just kinda replacing the good old IRC where I wrote neverending stories and no one whould even care to comment 🙂

So who am I?

Well, I’m married with three kids, living in a nice house with a really nice car. I’ve been working for Ticket-Compare.com for the past 10 years and Hostadvice.com for the past four years.

I’ve been driving this beauty for the past two years and had the most fun with my kids in it. P.S. No, even though an Octavia is “for family,” you can’t have your wife and three kids in it. 🙁

And had the most fun with my kids in it, P.S , no, even though an octavia is “for family” you can’t have your wife and 3 kids in it 🙁

Daylife, Gaming, Coding, Marketing.

Well, I think I’m lucky more than anything. Married when I was 25, and at the same time, I found my dream job, which I co-founded with a friend. All while gaming, having fun, traveling a bit, working from an office, and working from home even before COVID hit. I also managed to find amazing friends that do so many things. I’ll give my shoutouts on another page.

So how did it all happen?

Bio Time

Born in 1990 in an extremely poor neighborhood near Jerusalem. My parents pretty much got that home for free, but it was the best time ever. We had a private “house” with a huge garden and a pine tree that my brother and I pretty much lived inside for about six years (along with some neighbors from time to time!).

I built my first website in 1998 on a “Lycos-alike” local website called “Banana Boom” and got hooked on website building.

I learned ASP & HTML when I was 14 and created my first website about mobile phones. My dad used to get me a new Nokia or Motorola phone every year, so I had some experience with ROMs and all that fun tech from the time — I even wrote guides about it.

I was super into IRC back then, met friends from all over the world, and some of them I’m still in contact with today. More about that crazy experience in another post.

Fast forward to when I was 20 — a guy from IRC sent me a message asking if I wanted to work for him, and he would teach me SEO. I agreed, and my marketing journey began.

We had to part ways, and three years later, I found myself working for 888casino. Then, Liran and I quit and started Ticket-Compare.com.

Then came COVID, and I found a new job at Hostadvice, where I still contribute as a consultant today.

More about me?

I’ve been doing PHP for the past decade, built some amazing APIs, and, well, the entire Ticket-Compare.com website. I like cars, Counter-Strike: Source, GTA, stocks, learning new dev skills, SEO tricks, and AI (a lifesaver!). But no, I don’t like mobile phones anymore — they’re just not as crazy as they were in the 2000s.